Weebly Site


I was born in Montreal, Quebec in 1988. I am the middle child in my family, stuck between my older brother and my younger sister. I have a great family and a great support system of friends. I am currently sutdying at McGill and I am really enjoying it!


Interests, Activities, & Plans

I love music, skiing, theater and attempting to cook.
I just got back from an exchange in Sydney, Australia, and unfortunately I have not found a job since I am home (someone please give me money!)
Upon my completion of my degree at McGill, I would like to continue my studies in the field of education. I am hoping to get a bachelor's of education and am very eager to get started.
My main professional objective is to become an amazing teacher!

Other Interesting Things

As previously mentioned, I just returned from an exchange in Sydney, Australia. It was one of the most extraordinary and memorable experiences of my life and I'll never forget it. It is a bit depressing being back home, however, I am eager to graduate at the end of the semester!

Favorite Places in Webspace

If you are looking for movies currently playing within the Montreal area, check out cinemamontreal.com
For great celebrity Gossip, check out dlisted.com